Worship Opportunities

Sunday morning worship takes place in the sanctuary

8:30  Classic worship service features more traditional settings
10:45 Connection worship service features a more modern format, blending hymns and praise singing.

Children are welcome as part of our joyful worship celebration! 
Rocking chairs are provided in the back of the church and a nursery is available for children who have not yet started kindergarten. We also offer structured learning alternatives:
  • During the 10:45 am worship service, following the Time for Young Worshippers, we offer Worship Center for pre-school through third grade. Children go out together and are directed to the appropriate class; parents are welcome to walk with their children.
  • Activity bulletins and crayons are located on tables behind the back row of chairs for children. For older youth, there are activity bags, please return the bags after worship services

imagesAccommodations for the Hearing Impaired

Hearing Loop System: set hearing aid to “T” switch.

Also located at the back of the sanctuary near the center pillar:

  • Large-print bulletins
  • Headsets for the hearing-impaired to utilize the hearing loop system transmission.