Outreach Meeting Minutes Aug 5, 2015

Outreach Committee Meeting

August 5

Next Meeting – Wednesday, September 2 @ 7:00pm

Members Present: David Diehl, Carl Virta, Mary De Ridder, George Ward, Ken Rizzio, Jim Smith, Lauren Robinson

Tentative Objective for the Day: Goals and Roles defined so they can be brought to council. Go through involvement areas and make assignments as to who will work with what areas and where each person fits in. September Bread Pan Offering tentatively set as JFON.

Washington Neighbors Update – Jim and Carl met with Andrew Spidahl of the Washington Neighbors (along with Luanne Stanley-Hook) and they will be going door-to-door to hand out advertisement for August 16th worship service. They talked a lot about what the neighborhood can do for itself and not what the church can help with. What does the church have that will help the neighborhood? Can they use our kitchen? Volleyball, basketball in the auditorium? Some houses need painting… could we do it? Senior lunches on Tuesdays being expanded? Andrew also recommended the books, “Art of Neighboring” by Jay Pathak and Dave Ranyon and “Toxic Charity” by Bob Lupton. Andrew also wanted reciprocal communication He thought he would also like to come talk to our church about what they do. He also thought it would be great to have a community garden in which people from the community had their own plots.

Outreach Committee Objectives – Dave suggested that we tentatively adopt the Objectives of the committee. We will then email and look to meet to formally adopt the Objectives.

Discussion on Priorities – Ministries that no longer fit our group – Pastor’s discretionary fund, recycling, tulip time meals and bazaar, youth mission trips,

New Opportunity – Carl brought up the question of the rental houses and wondered where they fall in our jurisdiction. Is this something that we should be using as an opportunity to house people from Community Action House, etc.?

Money Motion – Mary De Ridder asked if we could use about 100-200 dollars for the Archbishop visit in September. Mary made motion and Jim Smith seconded the motion (all agreed) to send $200.00 to St. Francis for the visit.

Budget – Dave thinks we need to have all groups associated with Outreach create a budget and bring it to the table. At this point there is confusion where money is located, how it can be allocated, etc.

JFON Update – Mary is wondering about sponsors for JFON with Endowment.

Jim Smith – 70cutlassconv@gmail.com

Jim Searls – Would like outreach to be on website… Lauren and Dave will meet to discuss.