Members Present: Carl Virta, Peg Minert, Ken Rizio, Erin Jones, Cole Hook, Mary DeRidder, Lauren Robinson, George Ward
LAUREN: Contact Linda DenUyl about April Speaker and Write-up.
CARL: May Bread Pan. Will work with Al to go to Church Council with Refugee information.
DAVE: Responsible for June Write-up and speaker for Escape Ministries.
MARY: Will get cards printed out for Tulip Time Parking.
KEN: Figure out a video clip for March Bread Pan. Email Group about when Coffee Hour is going to be.
Topics from Today’s Meeting:
UM Student Sunday: We would like to make September our Student Sunday month with Bread Pan. This would support scholarships for UM students in the future.
Refugee Crisis: Carl and Al will write something up to take to Church Council. This will be at the March meeting. Peace with Justice meets soon, so they will also have to get some things together. Committee formation can be done via Connection Card during church service? Peg is interested and Carl can work as a part-time person. Carl brought up previous refugees as possible speakers.
Tulip Time Parking – Consensus is that the money will go to CAH with 10% coming back to Outreach.
Refugee Funding – George has said that we now have $1,200.00 available to respond to this need.
Bread Pan Offering –
March: Taken Care of by Erin Jones and Ken Rizzio.
April: Lauren is talking with Linda DenUyl about a speaker and bulletin write-up for Community Kitchen.
May: Washington School Neighbors. Carl will take care of this.
Tulip Time Parking – 500 printed receipts (Jim Smith’s idea… will be tweaked to fit current situation / needs). Tell people to place on dash as their receipt of payment. Mary is taking care of cards and will get them to Linda and Larry DenUyl.
CROP Walk: Will be in April. Mary needs one or two more people on Sundays to help sign people up. 1% of that will be taken for Kids Food Basket. The Rally is this Sunday, March 6t h at our church. Mary will take care of write-ups and all of that. Carl will help.
Coffee Hour – We still need to figure out what will be done for this. Ken R. will send out information about our date and we will go from there.
The Summit – Every other year at Hope College. Peace with Justice has talked about this as a part of their budget… Mary affirms that she would like to see our church be a supporter.
Next Meeting: May 3rd at 7:00pm