Kids Hope USA

Kids_Hope_USA_LogoFUMC Holland is part of Kids Hope USA.   Our partner school is Holland Heights Elementary.  Each week several volunteers from the church participate in the program, mentoring students in grades K-5.

Kids Hope is a vital bridge to our community and has proven to be successful in helping young students that need additional help for school work, or just need an adult friend who shows them respect and cares for their well being.

September means back to school for Kids at Holland Heights.  If you have been thinking of being a Kids Hope mentor, this is a great time to get started. We are always in need of new mentors. Training will be announced soon. Days are flexible and mentoring usually happens at lunchtime. Let’s help some kids in need in our community. You can be a part of this vital program.  For more information and to volunteer contact Kathy Lindstrom at 738-1689 or e-mail her by clicking here. 

Check out this short video about the program