A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.
John 13:34
Congregational Care
Congregational Care at the First United Methodist Church of Holland offers encouragement, practical support, and prayer to our church family.
Jesus is very clear that a significant part of our ministry for Him is to care about one other in love. Our church is intentional about offering opportunities to meet the spiritual, emotional, physical, and relational concerns of all members of our church family. Our Congregational Care Team seeks to fulfill Jesus’ command.
Congregational Care Team
Brad Bartlemay
Senior Pastor
David Newton
Director of Worship

LuAnne Stanley-Hook
Youth Pastor
Contacts For Care
1. Call the church office: 396-5205
–Administrative Assistant
–Senior Pastor
2. Call the prayer chain:
–Katie Curneal
(616) 901-1704
3. Fill out the prayer request section
of the Connection Card
Additional Congregational Care