Where do I park?
There are several visitor parking spots near the 10th Street entrance to the church. Handicap Accessible Parking is also in this lot. There is parking on both the 9th and 10th Street sides of the building. All entry doors are open during Sunday morning and signs are posted to guide you.
What should I expect inside?
You will encounter greeters at the entrances to the sanctuary. A Welcome Center is located in the middle area of the entry-way (Narthex). Welcome Center hosts can help you find information about our church. After worship, there is coffee and other refreshments in Fellowship Hall. This is a good time to meet new folks.
What’s Your Space
Accessible Space: located in the church lounge during each worship service for people with different abilities and/or with small children who would like to hear the service in a quieter space.
Breathing Space: located in the Fellowship hall and intended for time to center yourself or to engage in intimate conversations as you designate by turning the “Join me or I need Space” table toppers to your preference.
Connecting Space: beverages and light snacks provided in the narthex around the services for welcoming guests and creating connections among the church body.
Grace Space: space allocated in our sanctuary using a carpeted area with quiet toys. This is geared for parents with children 3 and under so that families may participate in worship with age appropriate activities and space.
What happens during worship?
We try to make your worship meaningful. Each service is similar in structure but different in content. Click Here to see descriptions of our worship. You will experience Bible readings, music, singing, prayer and a topical message from the pastor.
What Should I Wear?
Be comfortable. Be yourself. Some come dressed up and some are more casual. It is all up to you.
What about Children?
Children are welcome as part of our joyful worship celebration!
Rocking chairs are provided in the back of the church and a nursery is available for children who have not yet started kindergarten. We also offer structured learning alternatives:
During the 10:45 am worship service, following the Time for Young Worshipers, we offer Worship Center for preschool through third grade. Children leave together and are directed to the appropriate class; parents are welcome to walk with their children.
Activity bulletins and crayons are located on tables behind the back row of chairs for children. For older youth, there are activity bags, please return the bags after worship services.