Sunday School classes are each Sunday at 9:40am and Children’s Time classes are at 11am. Check-ins are by entrance C. Kids will need to be checked in and picked up by an adult parent/guardian. Parents, you can pick up your children at the end of Sunday School or you can leave them with us if they are also attending Children’s Worship. Please remember kids returning for Children’s Time will need to be re-checked in.
First through Fifth Grade
Here is this month’s theme: “Always Open: Service with a Smile.” The Life Application is Serving, that is, lending a hand to help someone else.
The memory verse this month is: “Jesus sat down and called for the 12 disciples to come to him. Then he said, ‘Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last. They must be the servant of everyone.’” Mark 9:35, NIRV
Here are the weekly themes: Feb. 3 Gotta Serve Somebody (Jesus Washes the Disciples’ Feet) • John 13:1-17.
Feb. 17 Give a Little Bit (Feeding5,000) • John 6:1-13.
Feb. 24 Secret Service (Give in Secret) • Matthew 6:1-4.
Infants through Kindergarten
Nursery is available each Sunday from 8:15am – 12pm for infants through Kindergarten.
Sunday School is offered in M112 (Nursery) at 9:40am and 11am. Children can stay through the morning and do not need to be picked up in between.
Learning times will include Bible lessons, singing, prayer, craft or game, and free play. January’s
theme is “The Market” and the following points will be reinforced each week of the month:
Memory Verse: “How wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.” Ephesians 3:18, NIV
Key Question: Who loves you? Bottom Line: Jesus loves me. Basic Truth: Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
Here are the weekly stories:
Feb. 17 The Centurion • Matthew 8:5-13
Feb. 24 The Thankful Woman • Luke 7:36-50
Questions? Contact Director Colleen Bajema: cell 616-834-8478 or
Discipleship Opportunities for Children
Colleen Bajema, Children’s Ministry Coordinator
Available all morning from 8:30 to noon.
Sunday School 9:40-10:40am
PK through 3rd graders: meet on the first floor of FUMC for a fun hour of crafts, bible stories, and more!
4th and 5th graders: meet in Room 303 on the third floor of FUMC. Join us as we delve deeper into some of our favorite classic bible stories.
Middle Schoolers (grades 6-7): Meet on the third floor in the Sonrise room. Contact Tim Hook for more information.
8th graders: Confirmation class is offered twice a month for 8th graders. This class meets in the basement level of FUMC in “The Well.” Contact LuAnne Hook for more information.
High school: Students are invited to meet on the 3rd floor of FUMC in the “Eclipse” room. Come hang out with your friends, discuss the scripture, and grow deeper into your faith!
Worship Centers 10:45-12:00
During the second service, children are welcome to join our church family in the Sanctuary for worship and Children’s Time with Pastor Lynn. After Children’s time, children are invited to leave the sanctuary to enjoy classes geared towards their learning and understanding of what service is all about!
PreK-K: meet in Room 101 on the first floor of FUMC
1st-2nd graders: meet in room 103 on the first floor of FUMC.
3rd graders: meet on the third floor of FUMC to engage in a Bible Class that strengthens their understanding of the scripture and enhances their ability to utilize the bible.
For questions regarding Children’s ministries, please contact the Director of Children’s Ministries Colleen Bajema